コマンドラインからpython3 xxx.py でなく
chmod 755 にしないと実行できないね。久々にlinuxやってる(-_-;
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from smbus import SMBus import time # Special Chars deg = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}' # I2C Constants ADDR = 0x60 CTRL_REG1 = 0x26 PT_DATA_CFG = 0x13 bus = SMBus(1) who_am_i = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, 0x0C) print( hex(who_am_i)) if who_am_i != 0xc4: print("Device not active.") exit(1) # Set oversample rate to 128 setting = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1) newSetting = setting | 0x38 bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1, newSetting) # Enable event flags bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, PT_DATA_CFG, 0x07) # Toggel One Shot setting = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1) if (setting & 0x02) == 0: bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1, (setting | 0x02)) try: while True: print("--------------") # Enable event flags bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, PT_DATA_CFG, 0x07) # Toggel One Shot setting = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1) if (setting & 0x02) == 0: bus.write_byte_data(ADDR, CTRL_REG1, (setting | 0x02)) # Read sensor data #print("Waiting for data...") status = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR,0x00) while (status & 0x08) == 0: #print bin(status) status = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR,0x00) time.sleep(0.5) #print ("Reading sensor data...") p_data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(ADDR,0x01,3) t_data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(ADDR,0x04,2) status = bus.read_byte_data(ADDR,0x00) #print("status: "+bin(status)) p_msb = p_data[0] p_csb = p_data[1] p_lsb = p_data[2] t_msb = t_data[0] t_lsb = t_data[1] pressure = (p_msb << 10) | (p_csb << 2) | (p_lsb >> 6) p_decimal = ((p_lsb & 0x30) >> 4)/4.0 celsius = t_msb + (t_lsb >> 4)/16.0 fahrenheit = (celsius * 9)/5 + 32 #print ("Pressure and Temperature at "+time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S%z')) print ('{:.0f}'.format((pressure+p_decimal)/100.0)+" Pa") print ('{:.1f}'.format(celsius)+deg+"C") #print (str(fahrenheit)+deg+"F") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Key Stop") pass
10156 Pa
10156 Pa
10156 Pa