※mb_language(“English”); を「japanese」にしないと漢字が化ける。日本国内対応なら注意すること。
<?php require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/init.php'); // Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production // See your keys here: \Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey("sk_test_xxx"); // Token is created using Stripe.js or Checkout! // Get the payment token submitted by the form: $token = $_POST['stripeToken']; $email = $_POST['stripeEmail']; // フォームから情報を取得: try { $charge = \Stripe\Charge::create(array( "amount" => 1000, "currency" => "usd", "source" => $token, "description" => "Product name", )); }catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $e) { // 決済できなかったときの処理 die('Settlement did not complete'); } // Auto replay mail mb_language("English"); mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); $title = "Thank you for your payment"; $msg ="Thank you for your payment.\r\n"; $msg .= "We will email you more details later.\r\n"; $msg .= "If you do not receive an automatic reply mail notification to your mail address at the time of payment, please check whether it is in junk mail.\r\n\r\n"; $msg .= "We will send you notice when your payment is confirmed .\r\n"; $msg .= "If there is no notification, please contact us from the menu 'support'.\r\n\r\n"; $msg .= "Thank you."; $content = $msg; $from_name = "customer center"; $from_addr = "メールアドレス"; $from_name_enc = mb_encode_mimeheader($from_name, "UTF-8"); $from = $from_name_enc . "<" . $from_addr . ">"; $header = "From: " . $from . "\n"; $header = $header . "Reply-To: " . $from; //to user send mail if(mb_send_mail($email,$title, $content, $header, "-f" .$from_addr)){ //echo "Email sent"; } else { //echo "Failed to send mail"; }; // 管理者宛メール $title_me = "Stripe report mail"; $from_me = "メールアドレス"; $content_me = "Stripe send mail report"; if(mb_send_mail($from_me,$title_me, $content_me, $header, "-f" .$from_addr)){ //echo "Email sent"; } else { //echo "Failed to send mail"; }; // サンキューページへリダイレクト header('Location: https://URLを書く/'); exit(); ?>
<form action="" method="POST"> <script src="" class="stripe-button" data-key="pk_test_xxxxx" data-amount="1000" data-name="omowelcome" data-description="Member fee" data-image="" data-locale="usa" data-currency="usd" data-zip-code="false" data-allow-remember-me="false" data-label="Pay with Card"></script>
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